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Officialdom devil's rebirth five hundred and fiftieth chapters steal sheep standings thanks to three eyes of the Lord qq139585539 big red devil's vote, the first year the new envelopes and sent me to you to once again thank you for the support of the prodigal son has always been. ------------ Candice long a guest house, but also a woman's identity uttered these words, let the clock level is suddenly surprised a moment. In some familiar touches Lin Jianli County Human Relations in the Great Lakes, he knew that Candice and her husband Paul Ho Man that is 冯思哲 irons, they are definitely not toward yourself and others to speak, is to stop seeing her own behavior He further points to the opposite which Candice's, "Director Wang, I know you and what is the relationship Feng county, but this time we really are not rushed to the Feng County, it is because the work requires municipal survey group I hope you will be able to meet, of course, if you do not fit, then I'm sorry, we just broke into a force. Zhongju Chang, do not wait, let the police were forced to break it. "Lin Jianli not ignore a Candice's take a look, which is tantamount to a level of a clock signal, and that is just this woman is a direct descendant of Feng Sizhe, trying to convince them to be difficult, there are not as good this time forcibly broke into the house, as long as it first driver away, back in confessing his sin is the whereabouts of Feng Sizhe. Zhong Ping also know that time is pressing, but also listen to understand the meaning of the Lin Jianli, four police officers in front behind which he said, "you do break to prepare." Zhong Ping the finish, four police come at once to the room the door, ready to make a way to force a breakthrough. It is then that they can be around the door suddenly opened, which came out one looks very pretty girl. She came out on a cold face said, "Do you want to do? Did not know it was von Magistrate room? Do you not afraid to bear legal responsibility?" And in finished these words, she and turned to shut the door again. "Oh, when I who was originally Susie Yeah. Zhongju Chang, this person is directly serve von county service personnel, but also her lover Feng county drivers." Susie came out to see the forest She quickly established introduced to put the clock level, in order to also let people familiar with the situation. Then billige canada goose jakker he directed Susie said, "I advise you to open the door. Afraid you know the delay Party comrades investigation team work, starting this responsibility you bear it?" "I do not know if I can bear plays , but I really clearly understand that if we go on like this, I von county is in any case can not explain, so if you go in a certain order, that you can, then you are stepping on my body into it . "What a Susie After finished these words, she was a hands start to use their body behind the door is a solidly blocked. Susie practices beyond the bell surprisingly flat and 林建立 accident, Billiga Canada Goose Jackor but since they